How to Change My Address for My Hunting and Trapping License?
Change of address for My Hunting and Trapping License?

How to Change My Address for My Hunting and Trapping License?

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Hunting and trapping offer Canadians the opportunity to explore their provinces’ nature and wildlife. There are multiple regulations that come along, one of which being keeping your information up to date with your respective provincial government.

You have a hunting or trapping license (or certificate) and are moving to a new home? You must communicate your change of address as soon as possible. To make it easier for you, we gathered in this article all the provincial offices responsible of hunting and trapping licenses and the details on how to make your change of address with them!

Change of address for My Hunting and Trapping License?

Update your Ontario Hunting License Address with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

What Is the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry?

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry in Ontario aims at protecting Ontario’s biodiversity and supports outdoor recreation activities. It is also responsible of administering hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses. To be able to fish or hunt in Ontario, people need a valid license, which can be either an Outdoors Card (lasts for 3 calendar years) or fishing and/or hunting license tags (last 1 or 3 calendar years).

Who Must Notify the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry of a Change of Address?

If you currently have an Outdoors Card or fishing and/or hunting license tags, you have to notify the Ministry of your change of address to make sure your information with them is up to date.

How to Change Your Address with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry?

To change your address on your Outdoors Card, you can either:

Update your Québec Hunting License Address with the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs

What Is the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP)?

The Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (Department of Forests, Wildlife and Parks) is responsible for the development and ideal use of forestry, wildlife, and parks in Quebec from a sustainable development perspective.

Who Must Notify the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs of a Change of Address?

If you have a hunting or trapping license (or certificate) and are moving to a new home, you must communicate your change of address to the MFFP as soon as possible to make sure that your address is up to date in the Ministère’s records.

How to Change Your Address with the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs?

You can change your address with the MFFP by:

What You Should Know!

When you make your change of address, make sure to have your Certificate Number on hand!

It’s important to change your address with the Ministère for purposes of registration of the products needed for hunting and trapping activities.

Update your BC Hunting License Address with the Fish and Wildlife Branch

What Is the Fish and Wildlife Branch?

In the province of British Columbia, the Fish and Wildlife Branch is responsible of establishing the legislation, policies and procedures needed to manage finish and hunting activities. The Fish and Wildlife ID (FWID) is a passport needed to hunt & fish in British Columbia.

Who Must Notify the Fish and Wildlife Branch of a Change of Address?

Anyone who has a FWID, or the old Hunter Number card is required to notify the Fish and Wildlife Branch of a change of address when they move to make sure their information is up to date on their account.

How to Change Your Address with the Fish and Wildlife Branch?

To change your address on your FWID, you can either:

What You Should Know!

Note that the FWID is not a card! You can print it from your account or copy it on your mobile device. In any case, make sure you have your FWID number on hand in case B.C. Conservation Officers ask you to provide photo ID and your FWID number while you are hunting.

Update your AB Hunting License Address with the Alberta Environment and Parks

What Is the Alberta Environment and Parks?

Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) is the Ministry responsible for environmental conservation and protection, as well as managing outdoor recreation opportunities. Anyone who wishes to hunt, trap and/or fish in Alberta must first purchase a Wildlife Identification Number (WIN) card to purchase any hunting or fishing license.

Who Must Notify Alberta Environment and Parks of a Change of Address?

If you have a hunting and/or fishing license with the AEP, you have to notify them of your change of address when you move to ensure your information is up-to-date on your WIN card.

How to Change Your Address With Alberta Environment and Parks?

To change your address on your WIN card, you can either:

  • Do it online through your account
  • Visit your local Issuer and complete a WIN Application form to update any new information (Section A).
  • Call the Active Network AlbertaRELM Help Desk toll-free at 1-888-944-5494

What You Should Know!

  • If you decide to go with the second option and visit your local Issuer to complete a new WIN Application, you won’t be required to purchase a new WIN card!
  • A WIN card is valid for 5 years.

Update your MB Hunting License Address with the Manitoba Wildlife Branch

What Is the Manitoba Wildlife Branch?

The Manitoba Wildlife Branch is responsible for protecting the wildlife resources and developing programs, policies and legislation for hunting and trapping activities in the province.

Who Must Notify Manitoba Wildlife Branch of a Change of Address?

If you currently hold a hunting and/or trapping permit, you need to notify the Manitoba Wildlife Branch of your new address when you move.

How to Change Your Address With the Manitoba Wildlife Branch?

To change your address with the Manitoba Wildlife Branch, you can:

Update your Hunting, Angling, and Trapping License Address in Saskatchewan

What is the Hunting, Angling, and Trapping License?

The Hunting, Angling, and Trapping License (HAL) is the license needed for residents in the province of Saskatchewan to participate in hunting, angling and/or trapping activities.

Who Must Report a Change of Address for Their Hunting, Angling, and Trapping License?

If you own a HAL, you need to notify the Government of Saskatchewan of your change of address when you move to make sure your information is up to date on your license.

How to Change Your Address on Your Hunting, Angling, and Trapping License?

To change your address on your HAL, you can:

Update your Nova Scotia Hunting License Address with the Department of Lands and Forestry

What Is the Hunting, Angling, and Trapping License?

The Hunting, Angling, and Trapping License (HAL) is the license needed for residents in the province of Saskatchewan to participate in hunting, angling and/or trapping activities.

Who Must Report a Change of Address for Their Hunting, Angling, and Trapping License?

If you own a HAL, you need to notify the Government of Saskatchewan of your change of address when you move to make sure your information is up to date on your license.

How to Change Your Address on Your Hunting, Angling, and Trapping License?

To change your address on your HAL, you can:

Update your New Brunswick Hunting License Address with the Ministry of Energy and Resource Development

What Is the Ministry of Energy and Resource Development?

In the New Brunswick, the Ministry of Energy and Resource Development is responsible of administering licensing for hunting, fishing, and trapping activities.

Who Must Notify the Ministry of Energy and Resource Development of a Change of Address?

If you own either a hunting, and/or fishing license, then you have to report to the Ministry of Energy and Resource Development any change of address to ensure your personal information is up to date with the Ministry.

How to Change Your Address on Your Hunting, Angling, and Trapping License?

To change your address with the Ministry of Energy and Resource Development, you can:


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Selina Cifelli

The author

Selina is a motivated marketing intern with a keen interest in developing engaging content related to moving experiences and city life. With a passion for fashion and traveling, she brings a fresh perspective to our readers. Her talent for crafting innovative written material effectively positions MovingWaldo as a trusted resource for hassle-free and efficient moves.

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