How to change my address with my union?
Change of address with my union

How to change my address with my union?

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Unions are one of the main ways for workers to protect and advance their interests in the workplace. You might be part of one or multiple trade unions in your province. It is important to report a change of address to those unions you are a part of. To make it easier for you, we gathered in this article the biggest unions found in each province and the details on how to make your change of address with them!


NUPGE: The National Union of Public and General Employees

The NUPGE is the second largest union in Canada with 390,000 members, most of which work in the provincial public service sector. To change your address with the NUPGE, you can:

CUPW: The Canadian Union of Postal Workers

The CUPW is a public sector trade union that represents postal workers employed by Canada Post as well as private sector employees who work outside Canada Post. To change your address with the CUPW, you can complete the online Member Contact Information Form.

PSAC: The Public Service Alliance of Canada

The PSAC is one of Canada’s largest national labor unions that includes members in every province and is the biggest union in the Canadian federal public sector. To change your address with the PSAC, you can:

CFNU: The Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions

The CFNU is a trade union that represents the interests of Canadian nurses. To change your address with the CFNU, you call at 613-526-4661 or toll Free at 1-800-321-9821

ACTRA: The Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists

The ACTRA is a labour union that represents performers in English-language media. It currently has 22,000 members working in media such as film, television, and radio. To change your address with the ACTRA, you can complete the online change of address form.

CAUT: The Canadian Association of University Teachers

The CAUT is a federation of trade unions that represent approximately 70,000 teachers and other academic professionals across 120 universities and colleges in Canada. To change your address with the CAUT, you can log in to your online user account.


FTQ: Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec

The FTQ is the largest labor federation in Quebec in terms of membership. Indeed, it has over 500,000 members! To change your address with the FTQ, you can:

CSN: Confédération des syndicats nationaux

The CSN is the second largest trade union federation in Quebec in terms of membership. To change your address with the CSN, you can contact the council in your area by email or phone.

CSQ: Centrale des syndicats du Québec

The CSQ is the third largest trade union in Quebec in terms of membership and is the result of three unions merging together in 1946. To change your address with the CSQ, you can call:

CSD: Centrale des syndicats démocratiques

The CSD is the smallest of the four labor centres in the Quebec province, with a little over 62,000 members. To change your address with the CSD, you can:

FIQ: Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec

The FIQ is a labor union that includes about 75,000 nurses and is a feminist organisation with about 90% of female members. To change your address with the FIQ, you can complete the change of address online form on the FIQ website.

SFPQ: Syndicat de la fonction publique du Québec – Quebec Civil Servants’ Union

The SFPQ is a labor union that mainly represents workers of the Quebec State. It currently has 43,000 members. To change your address with the SFPQ, you can:

APTS: Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux

The APTS is a labor union that consists of workers from the public health sector and social services. To change your address with the APTS, you can:

SPGQ: Syndicat de professionnelles et professionnels du gouvernement du Québec

Founded in 1966, the SPGQ is a labor union consisting of professionals from six unions. To change your address with the SPGQ, you can:

UPA: Union des producteurs agricoles du Québec

The UPA is a labor union whose mission is to promote, defend and develop the interests of Quebec’s agricultural producers. To change your address with the UPA, you can:

Union Paysanne du Québec

The Union Paysanne du Quebec is a labor union that aims to represent and defend the interests of farmers. To change your address with the Union Paysanne du Quebec, you can


CUPE: Canadian Union of Public Employees

The CUPE is a trade union that serves public sector workers in Ontario. It is the largest union in Canada. To change your address with the CUPE, you can complete the online change of address form.

AMAPCEO: The Association of Management, Administrative and Professional Crown Employees of Ontario

The AMAPCEO is a trade union that represents public sector employees in Ontario. To change your address with the AMAPCEO, you can:

ETFO: The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario

The ETFO is a labor union made to represent all public elementary school teachers, as well as occasional teachers. To change your address with the ETFO, you can complete the online Update Member Information form.

OPSEU: The Ontario Public Service Employees Union

Established in 1975, the OPSEU is a trade union that represents public sector workers in Ontario. To change your address with the OPSEU, you can:

OSSTF: The Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation

The OSSTF is a trade union representing 60,000 members in the province of Ontario, including public high school teachers and social workers. To change your address with the OSSTF, complete the online change of address form.

OECTA: The Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association

The OECTA is a labor union that represents teachers in publicly funded Roman Catholic schools in Ontario. It currently has has more than 45,000 members. To change your address with the OECTA, you can log in to your Member account.


BCTF: The British Columbia Teachers’ Federation

Founded in 1917, the BCTF is a labor union representing all public school teachers in British Columbia. To change your address with the BCTF, you can complete the online Change of Address and Personal Data form.

BCGEU: The British Columbia Government and Service Employees’ Union

The BCGEU is a trade union that represents about 77,000 members in British Columbia. To change your address with BCGEU, you can do it online by logging in to your My BCGEU account.

PAR-BC: Professional Association of Residents of British Columbia

PAR-BC is a professional association representing 1300 resident doctors all over British Columbia. To change your address with PAR-BC, you can contact BC Clinical and Support Services (BCCSS):

1795 Willingdon Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 6E3

BCFED: British Columbia Federation of Labour

The BCFED is a central organization for organized labor and currently has over 500,000 members. To change your address with the BCFED, you can contact them:

PEA: Professional Employees Association

The PEA is a labor union mainly comprised of professional employees. To change your address with the PEA, you can call the PEA at 250 385-8791 or toll-free at 1-800-779-7736.


AUPE: Alberta Union of Provincial Employees

The AUPE is a trade union representing workers in the public sector in Alberta. It currently has about 81,000 members. To change your address with the AUPE, you can complete the online Member Information and Mailing Information form.

AFL: Alberta Federation of Labor

Founded in 1912, the AFL is Alberta’s provincial trade union federation and currently has about 170,000 members. To change your address with the AFL, you can call at (780) 483-3021 or toll-free at 1-800-661-3995

  • Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


MGEU: The Manitoba Government and General Employees’ Union

The MGEU is the largest trade union in Manitoba with over 32,000 members. It represents workers in fields including civil service or Crown corporations. To change your address with the MGEU, you can complete the online change of address form.

MTS: The Manitoba Teachers’ Society

The MTS is a trade union representing the teachers of Manitoba and currently has 15,000 members. To change your address with the MTS, you can call at (204) 943-0393 or toll-free at 1-866-504-9373.


SGEU: Saskatchewan General Employees’ Union

The SGEU is a labor union in Saskatchewan that represents workers in various fields. To change your address with the SGEU, you can contact them:


NSGEU: The Nova Scotia General Employees’ Union

The NSGEU is the largest union in Nova Scotia and represents 30,000 public and private sector employees. To change your address with the NSGEU, you can contact them using this online form.

CUPE NOVA SCOTIA: Canadian Union of Public Employees Nova Scotia

CUPE Nova Scotia represents over 18,000 workers employed in the public sector. To change your address with CUPE Nova Scotia, you can call the office at (902) 455-4180.


NBU: New Brunswick Union

The NBU is an independent trade union representing civil servants in the province of New Brunswick. To change your address with the NBU, you can do so through your online account.


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