How to change my address with the Government of Canada?
Change of address with the Government of Canada

How to change my address with the Government of Canada?

How to change my address with the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA)?

You can change your address with the CRA in four ways:

  1. Online using CRA’s MyAccount service. 
  2. By phone at 1 800 959-8281.
  3. Mail or fax RC325, Address change request form or signed letter that includes your social insurance number, new address and moving date to your local tax centre.
  4.  Provide your new address to the CRA on your annual tax return.

In fact, when you think about the organisations you need to notify of your change of address, the Canadian government probably ranks pretty high on the list. In the guide, MovingWaldo reviews the address change procedure for the federal government only and not the provincial governments. Depending on the province you live in, there are other provincial agencies that you need to inform of your new address.

MovingWaldo’s Guide of Canadian agencies to notify when moving.

The following article will address the different ways you can change your address with the various governmental agencies.

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Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA)

We can all agree on the fact that doing taxes is a frustrating task and tax season can be a stressful period. In other words, you don’t want to be even more bothered by having to change your address on top of it all. That’s why it’s better for you to do it as soon as possible!

What is the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA)?

The CRA is a Canadian federal agency that administers tax laws for the Government of Canada and for most provinces and territories, international trade legislation, and various social and economic benefit and incentive programs delivered through the tax system.

Who must notify the CRA of change of address?

Anyone earning revenue in Canada must update their address with the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA). For most of us, when we talk about changes of address with the federal government, we mainly refer to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

How to change your address with the CRA?

You can change your address with the CRA in four ways:

  1. Online using CRA’s MyAccount service. If you do not already have an account, you can register freely. Please note that to create a new account, certain information are required, some of which are included only on your annual tax return.
  2. By phone at 1 800 959-8281
  3. Mail or fax one of these two documents to your local tax centre:
  4. You will also have the opportunity to provide your new address to the CRA on your annual tax return. The new address will automatically be updated in your file.

Important things to know!

Before calling, you should have these following things ready to provide:

  • Your social insurance number;
  • Your name;
  • Your complete address;
  • Your date of birth;
  • Details from your account or your most recently assessed return, notice of assessment, reassessment, or other tax document.

Employment Insurance (EI)

No matter which program you benefit from, you can conveniently change your address online with the EI, CPP and OAS simultaneously through your My Service Canada Account (MSCA).

What is the Employment Insurance (EI)?

The Employment Insurance (EI) is a financial protection for people who have lost their job through no fault of their own and currently brings together more than 500,000 claimants throughout Canada.

Who must notify the EI of change of address?

If you benefit from any of the following programs, you must change your address with the EI.

  • Regular benefits
  • Maternity and parental benefits
  • Benefits for the self-employed
  • Family Caregiver Benefit for Children
  • Fishing benefits
  • Sickness benefits
  • Compassionate care benefits
  • Benefits for Canadians living abroad
  • Family Caregiver Benefit for Adults

How to change your address with the EI?

  • Sign in to My Service Canada Account (MSCA) on the government’s website.
  • When you’re logged in to your personal profile, click on “View/change my mailing address and telephone number” under the “Change” tab.
  • Select the “Change” button to update your information.

Important things to know!

  • If your residential address is different from your mailing address, call 1-800-206-7218 during the hours of operation (Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm local time) or go to the nearest Service Canada Centre, as it cannot be updated online.

    Note that sometimes the change may take a few days to be effective.

Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS)

The agencies offer various program to financially support Canadians.

What is the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and the Old Age Security (OAS)?

The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is known to be the backbone of Canada’s public retirement income system. The Old Age Security (OAS) program is the Government of Canada’s largest pension program.

Who must notify the CPP and the OAS of a change of address?

If you benefit from any of the following program, you must change your address with the CPP and the OAS.

  • Retirement pension
  • Post-retirement benefit
  • Disability benefits
  • Survivor’s pension
  • Death benefit
  • Children’s benefits
  • Guaranteed Income Supplement
  • Allowance
  • Allowance for the Survivor

How to change your address with the CPP and the OAS?

For the CPP and OAS, simply follow these steps:

  • Sign in to My Service Canada Account (MSCA) on the government’s website
  • Select the “Address” link
  • From there, you will have the option of changing your address and selecting the date you want the change to take effect.
  • After completing the change, you will receive a confirmation page
  • Use the link at the bottom of the page to view your changes immediately.

If your old address still appears after changing it, you can contact the CPP and OAS at 1-800-277-9914 (toll-free).

You can also change your address for the CPP and OAS by mail. Simply send your documents to the nearest Service Canada Office

Important things to know!

If you didn’t register for it online and submitted a paper application instead, then you can’t change your address online. In this case, you have two options:

  1. Contact the CPP directly by phone at 1-800-277-9914 (toll-free).
  2. Send a letter to the nearest Service Canada Office.

If you need your address do be updated today, you should contact the CPP by phone at 1-800-277-9914 (toll-free).

Frequently asked questions about address change with CPP and OAS.

What if I don’t have a My Service Canada Account?

No worries, you can simply create one here! You need to have on hand:

  • your social insurance number (SIN)
  • your date of birth
  • your access code

Where can I find my access code?

If you’re already receiving EI, CPP, or OAS, you already have an access code. If you don’t remember it, you can find it on the mail you received from Service Canada when you applied for those benefits. Here is some help finding it on your documents.

What if I don’t have an access code?

If you don’t have a code, you can request it online, by visiting this page. You will need to provide your:

  • Social Insurance Number
  • first name, last name, date of birth, and your mother’s last name at birth
  • postal code if you are a Canadian resident or your country of residence if you are a foreign resident

And, make sure you have your JavaScript enabled!

Social Insurance Number (SIN)

Good news! You don’t have to inform the government of your change of address for your SIN unless you are waiting to receive a SIN confirmation letter.

Changing your address with the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) is enough !

Canadian passport

You don’t have to notify anyone or fill out anything! Changing your address doesn’t make your passport invalid. You simply have to:

  • Cross out the old address on page 4
  • Write the new address in the space above the old one (if there isn’t enough room on the page, write the new address on a separate piece of paper and insert it into your passport)

Plus, don’t use any correction fluid (whiteout)!

Election Canada

To change your address on your voter registration with Elections Canada, you have two options:

  1. Use the Online Voter Registration Service;
  2. Contact Elections Canada to request a registration form at 1 800 463 6868 or 1 800 361 8935 (people who are deaf or hard of hearing)

Complete the form, sign it and mail it, along with a copy of your proof of identity and address, to:

Elections Canada
30 Victoria Street
Gatineau, Quebec, K1A 0M6

Immigration or citizenship application

If you are moving while in the process of getting your immigration or citizenship application approved, you must change your address with the Canadian government as soon as possible. Depending on your type of application, there are different ways to change your address.

Click here to access the change of address form and follow the steps.


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Selina Cifelli

The author

Selina is a motivated marketing intern with a keen interest in developing engaging content related to moving experiences and city life. With a passion for fashion and traveling, she brings a fresh perspective to our readers. Her talent for crafting innovative written material effectively positions MovingWaldo as a trusted resource for hassle-free and efficient moves.

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