Packing Wine Glasses for Moving: A Step by Step Guide
Packing Wine Glasses for Moving: A Step by Step Guide

Packing Wine Glasses for Moving: A Step by Step Guide

Moving wine glasses and other breakables are arguably among the toughest parts of moving. The slightest mishap will have all your wine glasses broken to pieces. The dilemma now is how to pack wine glasses for a move. Your dishes and wine glasses are fragile, but that doesn’t mean they will always be difficult to move or that they will break during a move. At MovingWaldo we know how complex it can be to pack, which is why we are here to give you useful tips on packing wine glasses for moving.

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The Best Way to Pack Wine Glasses for Moving

Step 1: Donate Wine Glasses You Don’t Need Anymore

To protect wine glasses and make moving easier and lighter, you should donate wine glasses you don’t need anymore. Donating helps declutter and creates more room in your new pantry. You can also donate plates, bowls, mugs, serving platters, and more. Ensure to properly clean all wine glasses and pack them using our packing tips on how to pack wine glasses for moving. Look out for one of the best charitable organizations or find a friend or family member who may need them.

Step 1- Donate Wine Glasses You Don’t Need Anymore

Step 2: Use Wine Glass Boxes With Cardboard Dividers

Choosing the right box when thinking of how to pack wine glasses for a move is very the first and a very vital step. Weak boxes do not provide enough support and security for lifting and stacking. Old and wet boxes are also bad ideas because they have been compromised by age and water. They can be crushed when stacked, and your wine glasses will end up broken. They may also give way when lifting, and your wine glasses could drop to the floor and break. It is recommended that you use a new wine glass box with cardboard dividers. Alternatively, you can DIY with any new firm cardboard box. Create your dividers.

Step 2: Use Wine Glass Boxes With Cardboard Dividers

Step 3: Protect Wine Glasses From Moving in their Boxes

The best way to protect wine glasses from moving in their boxes is to use cardboard dividers and a packing paper combo. The dividers ensure that the boxes’ interiors are divided into smaller squares to fit individual glasses. The number of squares will vary based on the size of the boxes.

Use the packing paper to create a solid base and create new layers for more dividers to fit in a deep box. With each new layer of scrunched-up paper and cardboard dividers, you can fit as many glasses as possible into a box, without fear of crushing or shifting in transit. Alternatively, you can use bubble wraps in place of packing papers. It is vital to crumple/squeeze the paper lightly to improve grip and create a more stable base layer.

Step 3: Protect Wine Glasses From Moving in their Boxes

Step 4: Wrap Each Wine Glass

One of the most crucial steps on our list of packing tips on how to pack wine glasses for moving is to wrap each wine glass. How?

  • Begin by scrunching packing paper into a ball and placing it inside the wine glass. Do this until the glass is full.
  • Lay out a packing paper sheet and place the wine glass diagonally across a bottom corner.
  • Take the edge of the paper and gently wrap it around the glass.
  • Roll the paper around the glass until you are halfway through the sheet.
  • Fold the ends of the paper at the top and bottom of the wine glass, then continue rolling. Once the rolling is complete, tape the ending corner of the paper to avoid opening. This process provides extra structural support to your wine glasses while in the box.

Step 4: Wrap Each Wine Glass

Step 5: Secure the Boxes Properly

When talking about how to pack wine glasses for a move, it is important to talk about how to secure the box. There are two key components involved in this step. The first is securing the box from inside, and the second is securing the box from outside.

From the inside, create a base layer of scrunch-up packing paper. Use enough paper to help distribute the weight of the load. You can use towels as an alternative. For the outside, seal the bottom flaps of the box with packing tape. Go over the same areas 2-3 times for added strength. This will prevent the flaps from flying open. Do the same for the top of the box after packing your wine glasses. Be careful not to push down on the top flap when sealing, so you don’t break your glassware. If the box bulges, then the box is too small. Reduce the content or find a bigger box.

Step 5: Secure the Boxes Properly

Step 6: Label, Label, Label

The best way to pack shoes individually, in separate smaller boxes, preferably their original boxes. Once you’ve gone through the first four steps of how to pack shoes for moving, boxing comes next. For your very expensive shoes, it’s best not to pack them with other shoes. Even if you do not have the original box, you can buy shoe boxes from a local store or online. An advantage of packing shoes in their original boxes is they are a perfect size, so your shoes won’t move about and damage themselves (heels rubbing against the body could scratch or tear it). Additionally, it’s easy to identify which shoe is in which box simply by looking at the original boxes.

Step 6 label moving boxes

Final Step: Place Your Wine Glass Boxes on the Floor of your Truck/Car

Wine glass boxes are really fragile so it’s best to place them directly on the floor of your truck or car to prevent them from falling and breaking. Ultimately, it is best to pack your wine glass boxes in your car. Packing your wine glass boxes on the floor of the back seats of your car is the safest transport option as they’ll have less space to move around and fall.

Final Step: Place Your Wine Glass Boxes on the Floor of your Truck/Car


With these best packing tips, you can be confident that you know how to pack wine glasses for moving. The steps to protect wine glasses are easy to remember and practise. All you need to do is gather the proper materials, wrap each wine glass, place them in the box, seal and label the box appropriately. However, at MovingWaldo we understand that moving can be a long process that can be very stressful. Packing wine glasses is not the only thing you’ll have to do. To make your moving process easier, don’t forget to check out our change of address platform where you can change your address with multiple providers simultaneously and for free!


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Selina Cifelli

The author

Selina is a motivated marketing intern with a keen interest in developing engaging content related to moving experiences and city life. With a passion for fashion and traveling, she brings a fresh perspective to our readers. Her talent for crafting innovative written material effectively positions MovingWaldo as a trusted resource for hassle-free and efficient moves.

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