What Is the Best Season to Move in Canada?

What Is the Best Season to Move in Canada?

Moving is a big step, and one you shouldn’t take lightly. Not only does it usually entail uprooting your whole life and adapting to completely new surroundings, but it can be a logistical nightmare; especially if you’ve never done it before.

Most people move for a specific purpose, so they don’t really get to choose what part of the year they will be moving. However, if you’re able to choose between seasons, which season should you pick?

Well, there’s no universal straight answer – everyone has their own idea of ideal conditions for moving. Not to mention that Canada is big, and that different parts of the country may experience starkly different weather conditions at the same time of the year.

To be as meticulous as possible, we reached out to Miracle Movers to share some of their observations about moving in the different seasons so you can make the choice for yourself.

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Preparing for a Move

No matter when you’re moving, there are a few things you can do to better prepare for your move. The simplest and most effective advice that experienced moving companies have is – start packing well ahead of time. This way, you will have the time and peace of mind to ensure you’ve not missed anything and that everything is packed and labeled properly.

Another useful tip is to pack the things you don’t need to use daily (like out-of-season clothes) first, and then work your way down to the most important things as the day of the move approaches.

Summer Move

If you ask most people, summer is the ideal season for moving, and the numbers confirm this – the peak season for most moving companies (at least in the northern hemisphere) is from June to August – well within the summer season. It may have something to do with the fact that homes fetch the highest price in the summer months.

There are a few reasons why many people opt for a summer move. For one, the days are significantly longer so you can start earlier and work until late – making it possible to do a large-scale move in just one day. Along the same lines, the weather is much more likely to be fair and clear. This gives you more options and days to pick from.

For families with children, summer is also a good pick because the school is over and children won’t have to deal with switching schools during important exam times. Also, as some parents like to point out, they are free to help with the packing of their own things.

However, summer moves are not all sunshine and lollypops. The primary downside of a summer move is just how popular it is with most people. It means that you will be contending with a lot of people for the time slots, potentially having to choose a schedule that might not be ideal for you. With increased competition comes a higher cost, which is also something you need to keep in mind.

As the last point, heat waves didn’t used to be a problem in Canada, but in recent years, even parts of this country have been experiencing some extreme weather. Summer is favored because of fair weather, but at certain points, the sunny weather can become a hindrance.

Autumn Move

Autumn often gets a bad rep as the worst season, probably because it follows the favorite summer, with colder weather and with occasional rain and fog. Coupled with the fact that school starts in autumn for most children, it’s no wonder very few people actually love it.

However, when it comes to moving, for a lot of Canada, early autumn might just be ideal. The weather has not yet turned too cold and the days are reasonably long, giving you ample time to complete your move in a single day. As an added benefit, the height of the moving season is over in autumn, meaning that you will get a cheaper service, and you will likely not have to wait for an opening in your moving company’s schedule.

The drawback of an autumn move is that the weather can turn really quickly and if you schedule your move well ahead of time, you can’t be sure that the weather will serve you. Additionally, if you have children, you should keep in mind that school starts in autumn and having your family move during this period may negatively affect their school performance and stress levels.

Winter Move

Seeing how this is currently winter, all you need to do is look outside and think if this is the ideal season for moving. With temperatures well into the negative Celsius all over the country, most people wouldn’t be too keen on moving… or going outside. It’s small wonder that this is the least popular season for moving, then.

On the plus side, the prices you can expect during this season can be significantly lower than in other seasons, not to mention the availability of your moving company of choice is likely to be wide open. Similarly, the prices of homes tend to be somewhat lower, so you may get a better deal on your dream home. All you need to do is get your possessions to your new home, which may be a challenge.

The cold, for instance, will be a factor you will need to take into account. When packing for a winter move, make sure to insulate all of your boxes, especially if they contain items sensitive to temperature changes, such as electronic devices and house plants.

Driving in the heavy snow and on frozen roads is also a concern, so make sure that the moving company you choose is experienced and well-established so you can trust them with this (unpopular) task.

Spring Move

The season most of us are eagerly looking forward to at this point, spring is a somewhat divisive season when it comes to moving companies. For a lot of them, spring is very similar to autumn in terms of conditions and availability. The weather can be just as unstable with rain (and even snow in early spring) very common, but with plenty of nice days without extremely hot or cold days.

However, for people who hire moving companies, spring is the second-favorite season. It may be because they are enthusiastic that the winter is over, or some other cause, but April is usually the month when the business takes off – it’s before the peak season starting in May or June.

There is one category of people who exclusively don’t pick spring for their move, though – and that’s parents with school children. Spring is the season when most schools have their exams and most parents aren’t too keen to disrupt children.


For most people, choosing a time of year they will be moving is not an option. However, whenever you are moving, you should be aware of some of the advantages and downsides that you will be facing.



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Ann Nacario

The author

Meet Ann – our head writer with a knack for making moving and city living a breeze. From the many details of moving to picking the perfect moving company, she’s your guide. Ann has a friendly yet detailed approach to ensure your move goes off without a hitch. When she’s not writing about relocation, it will always be on her mind, but you’ll catch her spending time with her three furry friends.

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